Why You Need a Closet Organizer

If you're like most people, you need a closet organizer to help rein in the clutter and disorganization that accumulates over years of living in a home. Closet organizers can make your home more livable by creating an organized space for all of that miscellaneous "stuff" that we seem to accumulate over time.

Most people tend to be "pack rats." The longer we live in one location, the more extraneous stuff we seem to accumulate. But it's not just "junk" that starts clogging up our closets, garages and storage areas, we also accumulate important and other needed things. For example, we all need a place to store important papers, tax returns, receipts, product manuals, installation guides and a whole range of necessary -- but bulky -- documents and objects.

Usually, all of these items wind up shoved somewhere in the back of a closet in our home. This can create a disorganized mess in our closets, and it can even spillover into our home, with boxes and bags lining the walls of bedrooms, hallways and even living areas.

Obviously, no one should have to live that way. We all deserve to have a little peace of mind and organization in our homes. After all, the world outside is chaotic and disorganized enough -- don't we deserve to have a little peace and comfort in our living environment? Of course we do, and that's why a closet organizer is an invaluable tool to help you finally "get it all together."

But before purchasing an organizer, it is critical that you go through your closet and throw out anything that is not absolutely necessary. Most of us form ridiculous attachments to "things" as we go through our lives. But letting go of some of this stuff can be very therapeutic. And it is also a critical step if you plan to tame that clutter in your closet.

Throw away any items that have not been used in over a year. Research shows that if you have not worn a piece of clothing or used an item in over one year, your odds of ever using it are miniscule. So when in doubt -- throw it out.

Of course it is also a good idea to give away many of these items, especially clothing and shoes. There's no use being wasteful, when there are so many charities who will gladly take these items off your hands. And if you have small appliances, board games, or other items that you don't need that still have some value, you might consider having a yard sale to make a little profit off of clearing out your junk -- it's a win-win situation.

Once you've cleared out the unnecessary items from your closet, it's time to begin shopping for a closet organizer. Organizers come in several different styles, but one of the most popular is the modular-style closet system. These combine separate drawers, boxes, shelves and hanging racks that can be used in a modular mix and match fashion in order to fit any size closet.

Another benefit of using the modular closet systems is the ability to start small with only a few pieces, and then expand as you go to create a full closet organizer system. Prices for the individual pieces tend to be quite reasonable, and all of the pieces are designed to fit seamlessly with the rest of the system.

Using a modular closet organizer is easy, and you'll even find that it's a lot of fun clearing out that clutter, and taking back control over your closets -- and your life.

Craig Thornburrow is an acknowledged expert in his field. You can get more free advice on a closet organizer at http://www.whereyoucanbuy.com

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