How to Maximize Your Easy Closet Storage

Extra storage space is always a MUST, whether you're staying put or selling your home, but if you're planning to sell, maximizing your easy closet space is important. Extra storage helps attract house buyers and lets you maintain organization while the house is still yours.

Adding storage space could be costly, so unless you are ready to part with the money your first step must be to refurbish your closets. You could do it, and for lesser money than you may think. Let us begin.

1st Step: De-clutter

Do you need to keep all those things? I am as guilty as anybody out there of hanging into things, and my downfall is paperwork, everything from used magazines to 15 year old checks.

So before you make a decision how much storage space you need, make a decision what you could throw away, donate or sell. And look on the positive side--if you choose it now you would not have to box and move it sooner.

Assess Bedroom Closets

Are there rods running from end in each easy closet, with a shelf above every rod? That organization is usual in the traditional closets we see in bedrooms, and sometimes in walk in closets.

How about the clothes, are they boxed so tightly that you cannot find what you are looking for? Are the shelves on top filled with stuffs you have not seen for so many years?

Begin emptying the easy closets, individually, putting things in 3 piles:

1. Things to store... that'll stay in the easy closet
2. Things to set out... trash, sell, donate
3. Stuffs that are placed in the wrong spot... place it in a bin to tote bag to other places

Every Budget

Look at the things that'll be stored back in the closet. Is the things mostly clothes, or odds-and-ends? Do you have lots of shoes? Belts and ties? Sweaters? Lots more short things than full length clothing? There are helpers accessible for each storage need and budget:

• Turn the top part, catch all shelf in shelves that stretches to the ceiling. That'll keep things separated and let you retrieve things very easily, without getting stack of boxes down on your shoulder.

• Increase storage space for short things by setting up double deck rods in a part of each easy closet.

• Go farther and setup special modules in a part of the closet--with shelves and slots for shoes, drawers or cubbies for clothes that must be folded, and built ins for special items.

Installing an easy closets does not have to be difficult or expensive. Get all of the tricks and guidelines at

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